Mon, 29 April 2024



A game of mirrors as the West asserts itself

Cannes, 28 February 2022 By Mark Porter Today was the day the timid peaceniks of the EU became hawks. In one fell swoop Vladimir Putin succeeded...

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Can Putin Recover From This?

FEBRUARY 27, 2022, 12:04 AM by David Frum About the author: David Frum is a staff writer at The Atlantic and the author of Trumpocalypse: Restoring American Democracy(2020). In 2001 and...

Let them pick fruit…

Cannes, 28 February 2022 By Mark Porter An urgent review in Britain of its narrow-minded and heartless approach to immigration has been prompted by Kevin Foster,...

Justice clad in gold

Dateline: Britain In what was the land of the free, these days only the rich can afford justice. Specifically the Russian super-rich, who have been...

Putin has used British rich man’s law to avoid scrutiny, at a crippling cost to us all

By Nick Cohen This column appeared in Sunday's Observer. Truth is meant to be the first casualty of war, but in Britain the ability to tell...

The Dangerous Brothers

Vitali Klitschko, the former world heavyweight boxing champion and mayor of Kyiv, says he would take up arms alongside his brother and fellow world...

EU to send weapons to Ukraine and ban Russian planes from EU airspace in response to Putin’s nuclear alert

EU closes airspace to Russian planes, including those of oligarchs EU to make weapons available in historic intervention U.S: nuclear alert "totally unacceptable" ...

Ukraine on the brink

It is quite normal to refuse to believe that you are about to be engulfed by a cataclysm. by Tim Judah, New York Review In the spring...

My mum, the Red Army and Putin

by Alain Catzeflis, The Constant Reporter My mum loved the BBC. As a child of World War II Poland it was her faithful link to...

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