Sat, 27 July 2024



Thinking about Russian propaganda

es Vienna, June 11, 2024 Russian propaganda has taken on many ambitious forms, possibly turning the European elections in France, and almost for certain spreading...

CoE Platform Safety of Journalists weekly

es. Vienna, June 10, 2024 The attacks on our colleagues in Albania figure at the top of the latest weekly report from the Council of...

Elections – Europe at a crossroads

Edward Steen in Vienna, June 06, 2024 The Europe-wide elections from today till June 9 could well prove the most crucial since they began in...

Fears for life of Putin hostage Kara-Murza

(es) Vienna, April 11, 2024 Ex-wunderkind as young journalist Vlaidimir Kara-Murza, now into his second year of a 15-year sentence in a Siberian punishment camp,...

Clear voices out of Russia

(es) Vienna, April 9, 2024 It would be great to report some better news, but perhaps the best is the clear, independent voice of Russian...

Telling it like it is about journalism

SG. Vienna, Good Friday, April 29, 2024 On this of all days it's as if the news could not be more bloody or had to...

Press reaction to “election” of V. Putin

(es) Vienna, March 20, 2024 Press reaction to Vladimir Putin's unsurprising landslide 87% victory in the Russian presidential "election" was well-covered in the latest multi-lingual...

Ukraine : view from the Baltic states

Rome/ Tallinn. March 3, 2024 Austrian AEJ member Roberto Sciarrone interviews Kalev Stoicescu, Chairman, Estonia's parliamentary National Defence Committee on NATO and the deal...

2nd anniversary of Putin’s war on Ukraine

Vienna, February 24, 2024 Today marks the second anniversary of Putin's war against Ukraine. It has in reality been 10 years, since the Maidan uprising,...

European Press Review Feb 21 2024

ES. Vienna, February 22, 2024 Eurotopics looks into what seem to be Julian Assange's dwindling chances of avoiding his last years in an American prison....

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