Fri, 26 April 2024



War games go postal

Cannes, 8 March 2022 by Mark Porter The Lithuanians have officially renamed the road in Vilnius where the Russian Embassy is housed "Ukrainian War Heroes Street"...

Putin’s War – Z, fading macho-man, and Don’t Step on my Blue Suede Shoes

Putin's War - by the way 1 by Edward Steen. Vienna, March 8, 2022 What the hell is Z about? And why is it often being...

Britain’s hollow Ukraine rhetoric contrasts with Zelensky’s heroic speech

Cannes, 8 March 2022 by Mark Porter President Zelensky summoned up the ghost of Churchill when he addressed Britain's parliament on Tuesday night, in a harrowing...

Gas-powered kingmaker: how the UK welcomed Putin’s man in Ukraine

The long read from The Guardian, Tuesday 8 March 2022 Oligarch Dmitry Firtash is wanted by the FBI for bribery. Nonetheless, he was received into...

Sale of the Century 2: The Road to Serfdom

Cannes, 8 March 2022 by Mark Porter A Quick Guide: below is the third part of Adam Curtis's The Trap. He explains the philosophy of liberty...

Poker-faced murderer keeps everyone guessing

Cannes, 7 March 2022 OPINION by Mark Porter "Putin – khuylo!" they shouted from St Petersburg to Nur-Sultan on the Kazak steppes. But the inalienable right to...

Finding the “green men” who brewed up Ukraine war

by Edward Steen, Sec-Gen. Vienna, March 6, 2022 They could have been discovered and identified in early 2015, using any home computer, as a remarkable...

Camp Putin – right and left deserting

London, March 6, 2022 by Nick Cohen   The savagery of Vladimir Putin’s assault on Ukrainian democracy has sent them into headlong retreat. Nothing better illustrates their panic...

Ukraine: the role of “reverse conspiracy theories”

from Edward Steen. Vienna, March 8, 2022 Leigh Turner, until recently UK ambassador in Austria and Permanent Representative to the UN, was previously ambassador in...

Sale of the century: how Putin got to power

Cannes, 6 March 2022 by Mark Porter A Quick Guide: how the oligarchs took control of Russia after the collapse of the USSR, leading to the...

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