Fri, 26 April 2024



Zaporizhzia power plant

Nuclear blackmail? Employees there are working at gunpoint. Despite assurance earlier today (Friday) that the fire had been dealt with, the potential for problems...

Facebook and Twitter guilty of spreading 75% of Putin fake news

One week into the Russian war on Ukraine, a UK Press Gazette analysis has found that almost three quarters of fake news and misinformation...

Russian citizens stand up to authorities

Russian radio intercepts show confusion and breakdown of morale

These recordings show that the new model Russian army is nothing of the sort. Their radio connections are not encrypted, they are running out...

Exodus from Hell as mortars explode around the refugee train

Lviv, Ukraine 2 March 2022 by Askold Krushelnycky Last week Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin declared the pro-Moscow entities independent republics and used the pretext of “liberating” them...

Belarus tanks wait at the border as Lviv prepares itself

Cannes, 2 March 2022 by Mark Porter Our reporter on the ground has made it to Lviv, near the Polish and Belarus borders. He reports that...

Vlad insane: Putin through the looking glass

Cannes, 2 March 2022 by Mark Porter How ironical that the Russians, who are allegedly trying to "de-Nazify" Ukraine, a country with its Jewish stand-up comedian...

Putin vs the people: how the ‘heroes’ of the Motherland have switched target. GLOBAL ROUND-UP

Courtesy of Muck Rack, a superb media database that scans the globe. After failing to achieve a quick victory, Moscow is shifting its approach toward...

Gergiev’s star falls as Kyiv prepares to look Hell in the face

Cannes, 1 March 2022 by Mark Porter Russia’s star conductor, Valery Gergiev, has been sacked by the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra and also dropped by his management over...

How Johnson was a gift to Putin

"Far from defending liberal values, the Prime Minister has shown disdain for international and domestic law," The New Statesman. This article appeared in this week's...

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