Sun, 20 October 2024


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Ursula von der Leyen spells it out: €630 billion sanctions

"Putin embarked on a path aiming to destroy Ukraine. What he is also doing is destroying the future of his own country." How SWIFT...

Silence before the storm

British author Tim Judah writes a moving account of a country he knows and loves in our features section. It appears in the March...

Ukraine on the brink

It is quite normal to refuse to believe that you are about to be engulfed by a cataclysm. by Tim Judah, New York Review In the spring...

My mum, the Red Army and Putin

by Alain Catzeflis, The Constant Reporter My mum loved the BBC. As a child of World War II Poland it was her faithful link to...

How the West paved the way for Putin

Baku, February 26th 2022 by Garry Kasparov Early Thursday morning, Germany invaded Ukraine. So did the Netherlands, Italy, France, Great Britain and every other country that...

Epitaph on a Tyrant

Berlin, February 26 1939 by W.H. Auden Perfection, of a kind, was what he was after, And the poetry he invented was easy to understand; He knew human...

Solidarity with Ukrainian colleagues

by Edward Steen, Secretary-General. Vienna, February 25, 2022 The AEJ has co-signed the statement of solidarity with our colleagues in Ukraine below, along with more...

The road from Hell

An appeal for $2 billion is being launched on Monday by the United Nations to help with the looming humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, as...

As Russian troops prepare to enter Kyiv talks between the battling sides being discussed

Intelligence sources say that spirited fighting by the Ukrainians prevented a crack force of Russian troops from invading Kyiv on Thursday, Day 1 of...

AEJ calls for complete ban on RT propaganda

by Edward Steen, General-Secretary. Vienna, 28/02/2022 Following a decision by the AEJ leadership, the European Commissione imposed an EU-wide ban on Sutnik and RT, which...

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