Sat, 27 July 2024

Tweet war rumbles on. So does the real one. More Mariupols?

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es Vienna, May 27, 09.00 CET

The overnight Tweet offensives:

“Kadyrov threatens… that Ukraine is “a closed deal.” Now he is interested in Poland. He demands that Warsaw lay down its arms – and officially ask for forgiveness.” Pure megalomania. #StandWithUkraine #ArmUkraineNow #StopRussia
Threat now against Poland: Kadyrov: “We will show you what we are capable of”
Chechnya’s ruler Ramzan Kadyrov likes to threaten with pithy words. In a video, he now boasts that Ukraine is “a closed deal.” Now he is interested in Poland. 

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Poland now urgently needs the Contractually Guaranteed Leopard 2 promised in the ring exchange very quickly for self-defense. Because directly on Poland’s western border stands Putin’s Aggression army. Response time max. 3 weeks.
Kadyrov: the look is suitable for pool party with Kim Jong. 
But the #Kadyrov has chic sunglasses He doesn’t take any sham war battle shots in the studio anymore?@RT__German

new grubby propaganda films?🤣and so onOn the ground:

WAR BULLETIN from the Ukrainian foreign ministry

May 27, 09.00 CET

In the Slovyansk direction, Russian occupiers continue to shell the positions of Ukrainian troops, resuming the offensive.

In the Donetsk direction, Russian occupiers are conducting active offensive operations.

Russian enemy continues to take measures to maintain control over Kherson region: increased the number of shellings, conducts air reconnaissance, transfers reserve units.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy: the current offensive of the occupiers in Donbas can make the region uninhabited. They want to burn Popasna, Bakhmut, Lyman, Lysychansk and Severodonetsk to ashes. Like Volnovakha, like Mariupol.

The occupiers shelled Kharkiv again. The list of the dead includes nine people. 19 wounded. All civilians. A child (five months) and a father were killed.

Missile strikes again in the Sumy region, in Donbas again. Significant intensification of the occupiers’ artillery in the Zaporizhzhia region.

In the Slovyansk direction, Russian occupiers continue to shell the positions of Ukrainian troops, resuming the offensive.

In the Donetsk direction, Russian occupiers are conducting active offensive operations.

Russian enemy continues to take measures to maintain control over Kherson region: increased the number of shellings, conducts air reconnaissance, transfers reserve units.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy: the current offensive of the occupiers in Donbas can make the region uninhabited. They want to burn Popasna, Bakhmut, Lyman, Lysychansk and Severodonetsk to ashes. Like Volnovakha, like Mariupol.

The occupiers shelled Kharkiv again. The list of the dead includes nine people. 19 wounded. All civilians. A child (five months) and a father were killed.

Missile strikes again in the Sumy region, in Donbas again. Significant intensification of the occupiers’ artillery in the Zaporizhzhia region.

  • Better news: the AEJ’s special correspondent in Ukraine,THE WAR IN UKRAINE. WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR EUROPE?will be addressing our special press seminar in Brussels on June 16: THE WAR IN UKRAINE, WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR EUROPE?

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