On 17 March 2022, the Council of Europe adopted a Recommendation on promoting a favourable environment for quality journalism in the digital age (CM/Rec(2022)4). The CoE called...
by William Horsley, Media Freedom Representative, London, April 8, 2022
From the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine on 24/02/22, Reporters Without Borders (RSF)...
...and maybe General Jaruselski really was a patriot
(ES) Vienna, April 7, 2022
A TV documentary by Jan Czarlewski (Polish/Engish with French subtitles) about the crushing...
Vienna, April 5, 2022
In a blistering commentary following Viktor Orbán's victory in the Hungarian elections, honorary AEJ president Otmar Lahodynsky writes in Wiener Zeitung...
(ES) Vienna, March 3, 2022
Ukraine's foreign minister today accused Russian forces of carrying out a "massacre" in the town of Bucha, near Kiev, while...
ES Vienna, March 31, 2022
The Council of Europe's live stream of the testimony of the extraordinary Anna Murlykina editor-in-chief at CitySites Network, about the agonies...
from William Horsley, AEJ Special Representative for Media Freedom, London, 31/03/2
Last year, many organisations signed a statement calling on the Council of Europe (CoE) to issue...
Support for Ukrainian military strong despite Kremlin portraying Russians as liberators
by Askold Krushelnycky, Pervomaisk, March 29 2022
For years Kremlin propaganda has portrayed Russian-speaking areas...