Sat, 18 May 2024




Russia-Ukraine war: Day 197

Ukraine has recaptured more than 700 sq km of its territory in the east and south during a lightning counteroffensive, a Ukrainian general...

Rival Chechens fight on both sides in Ukraine

Kyiv, August 28, 2022  updated 10/09/22 by Derek Gatopoulos and Andrew Kravchenkoof (AP) Kneeling in a patch of yellow wildflowers, a Chechen soldier carefully attaches an...

What’s going on in Vlad’s head?

es Vienna, August 29, 2022 Political philosophy has rarely been a strong selling point for Europe's "red-top" boulevard press. So the article below in Austria's...

An accident at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant would blow an ill wind over Russia

In the event of a severe accident at Europe’s largest Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, a radioactive cloud would cover part of southern Ukraine and...

Russia-Ukraine war latest: day 187

Russian artillery fired at Ukrainian towns across the river from the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, local officials said on Sunday. The regional governor,...

Day 175 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. At-a-glance summary

Russian military leaders are likely to be “increasingly concerned” about security in Crimea after reported explosions, a British intelligence update said. The Ministry of...

Dying to kill: Russian neo-Nazis fighting for “denazification” of Ukraine

Mark Porter, Cannes, 18/08/22 Throughout the six months of conflict, Vladimir Putin has insisted that Ukraine is run by neo-Nazis. For his part, Ukraine’s (Jewish)...

Redrawing the Iron Curtain

Tim Marshall is the author of The Power of Geography and Prisoners of Geography, published by Elliott & Thompson. This article appeared in last Saturday's...

Ukraine: the painful path that must be taken

by Anna Yavorska Since the Revolution of Dignity* eight years ago, my country and all its people embarked on a historic journey. Those who subsequently...

Suspect confesses to Daphne murder

George Degiorgio confesses to 2017 murder in interview from jail by Stephen Grey of Reuters Valletta, 05/07/22  - The man accused of detonating the car bomb...

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