Thu, 24 October 2024

Safety of Journalists Weekly 26 Oct – 2 Nov 2021

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Interntl. Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

Strasbourg, November 2, 2021

The Safety of Journalists Platform special page presents 26 alerts on unsolved murders of journalists in Council of Europe Member States. Listed under the category “impunity for murder”, these cases highlight deficiencies in investigations and failure to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Jamal Kashoggi – murdered by Saudis in Turkey, 2018

In 2021, partner organisations like the AEJ published two new cases, emphasising that to prevent impunity, every person involved in a crime must be brought to justice and convicted:

Cyprus: Continued Impunity following Murder of Turkish Cypriot Journalist Kutlu Adalı

Turkey: Continued Impunity following Murder of Turkish Journalist Uğur Mumcu


♦  DW documentary on Jamal Kashoggi murder

♦  Full-length PBS film on Saudi Crown Prince 


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