Sat, 27 July 2024


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Croatia’s tough road to EU membership

ES. Vienna, February 5, 2024 The AEJ's indefatigable former President, Otmar Lahodynsky, has won excellent reviews for his new book, Croatia's Homecoming to Europe. It...

Invitation to Zoom discussion with Europe expert 12.30 CET on 06/02/2014

es Vienna/ Brussels 05/06/24 The AEJ's Brussels representative Gian-Paolo Accardo, also editor-in-chief of Voxeurop, writes: If there is a before and after 2022 for Europe,...

Eurotopics February 2, 2024

euro|topics: Hungary yields: EU summit agrees aid for Ukraine (02/02/2024)

Death of Juraj Alner, celebrated European journalist

tm. Bratislava, February 1, 2024 The AEJ's honorary Secretary-General, the internationally acclaimed editor, writer, and champion of human rights Juraj Alner, has died at the age...

European culture takes to the hills

by Edward Steen, Bad Ischl, January 29, 2024 The misquotation of Göring, or possibly of Goebbels, lives on: "When I hear the word 'culture' I...

Calls for end to slaughter of journalists in Gaza

es/wh). Vienna/ London January 24, 2024 Plea for end to deliberate killing of our colleagues The AEJ is one of 18 international press freedom, human rights,...

Louise Weiss Prize goes multi-lingual

es. Vienna, January 20, 2024 The Louise Weiss journalism prize founded by the AEJ's French Section is expanding its range, as Véronique Auger, its president...

European Press review 12 Jan 2024

es Vienna, January 12, 2024 The Eurotopics Press Review remains invaluable for a quick panorama of what's being said and fought about in the European...

Afghanistan – the killing goes on

es Nuremberg, January 12, 2024 Our former Kabul correspondent Ali Behzad, now safely in Bavaria with his family thanks to AEJ support, helplessly watches the...

Obituary – Delors, architect of European Union

Vienna, January 10, 2024 Architect of the EU by Otmar Lahodynsky, former Brussels correspondent for profil, hon. AEJ President Jacques Delors, who died at 98 in Paris...

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