Fri, 18 October 2024


Must read


[Revised, as given to General Assembly 1/12/18]


While it appears that the Financial Report 2017 reasonably reflects the financial position of AEJ-International for the year ended 31st December as far as the Audit Committee can discern from the summary figures which two of us received, we have the following questions & caveats:

1/ The Audit Committee has not had access to the documents supporting the Report, nor does there appear to be time, at this stage, for us to view & validate them. This falls short of best practice & standard procedures. The Committee therefore recommends that a tighter procedure is introduced in future to ensure a valid Audit Report. We would also like to remind the Treasurer & the Board that the Accounts for the past year [2017] & Budget for the next year [2018] are, according to the Statutes, first to be set out by the Board. The Treasurer does not mention receiving the Board’s approval in 2018. Have all Board members been shown the Accounts, had the opportunity to seek clarification, and approved them?

2/ The Financial Report should be sent simultaneously to all members of the Audit Committee, otherwise we cannot liaise to consider it & fulfil our statutory function. That did not happen this year.

3/. Although there is no deadline for sections to pay their annual fee before the GA, we recommend that the Treasurer  should circulate figures – a tally or numeration of members fees received and corresponding votes – however provisional, at least 3 weeks before the GA: this would also stimulate sections to pay up! I received my copy only on Tuesday, noting with interest the impressive increase in Greece & Slovakia. These figures may, of course, be updated at the GA to take account of late payments and & any additional information, with appropriate paperwork provided to the Committee.

4/ The Audit Committee should receive full & detailed information about all spending so far this year, including that for funding support for travel or other funds granted to individuals from poorer & prospective sections, or to guests from European countries with no AEJ section.

Mike Springate

Leader, Audit & Arbitration Committees.

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