Sat, 27 July 2024

Romanian national order for Teodora Stanciu

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Our colleague, Teodora Stanciu, President of AZIR – the Romanian Section of AEJ – has been decorated by Mr. Traian Basescu, President of Romania, with the ” National Order of Merit”.

The decree for the decoration states, among others, that: ” President of Romania, wantingto rewardthe merits of Ms.Teodora Stanciu-RadioRomania Culturalprogram creator-as a sign of highappreciation for thecompetence and professionalismprovenover timeand forthepromotion ofperennialRomanianculture, confersorder ofNational Order ofMerit in rank ofKnight.”The ceremonywas heldat the Cotroceni Palace,on Europe Day,May 9th.TeodoraStanciuwas inextremelyhonorable companyofgreatcultural figuresand civil society,decorated withhigh orders and medalslike:Gabriel Liiceanu,Horia-Roman Patapieivici,CalinNetzer, AdinaRental,DanC. Mihailescu,DumitruAvakian.

The AEJ International congratulate Teodora and wish all the best for the future!

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