Sat, 21 September 2024


Must read

“Europe in the world: leading or lagging?”

The 9th European Business Summit (EBS) – edition 2011 – will focus on Europe’s place in the global economy, today and tomorrow. In which areas is the EU lagging behind and what are the (business) opportunities where it can regain the lead? How can Europe move from lagging to leading and ride the new waves of growth?

The position of Europe in today’s world economy is under pressure. The crisis has halted growth in many countries, led to a decrease in industrial production and rising unemployment levels. Faced with an ageing population, lagging productivity, public deficits and a Euro in the danger zone, Europe must react to avoid economic decline. Global challenges such as rising competition from rapidly emerging markets, climate change and scarce natural resources put Europe further to the test.

Europe – still the world’s largest exporter – has ‘leading’ opportunities. But we must be better prepared to take up the challenges of globalisation, demographic change and environmental sustainability. The current recovery must therefore pave the way for sustainable growth towards and beyond 2020. This growth should be based on knowledge and innovation and anchor a competitive, high-employment and green economy that can compete on the global stage.

High growth and employment require EU decision-makers to put companies first. Building a more business-friendly environment enables companies to produce world-class goods and services, create jobs and develop new technologies. This is the only way out of the crisis and for Europe to maintain a leading position in the world.

During two plenary, seven thematic and seven regional sessions (with trading partners) – supported by an exclusive CEO Study – Europe’s key business event will debate challenges ahead and, moreover, formulate concrete recommendations for action – by business leaders and decision-makers together – to put Europe back at centre stage.

We look very much forward to welcome you at the 2011 EBS “Europe in the world: leading or lagging?” on 18 and 19 May in Tour&Taxis, Brussels.

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