Thu, 24 October 2024

Wolfgang Bauhm winner of European Parliament Journalist Prize

Must read

Wolfgang Böhm, member of the Austrian AEJ Section, won the Journalist Prize of the European Parliament in the category Print. See below the complete list of winners.
Wolfgang and co-author Otmar Lahodynsky (President of the Austrian AEJ Section) wrote the very successful book for young people : EU FOR YOU! Written in German but in the meantime translated in 4 more languages

Winners of the EP Journalist Prizes 2009:
Print: Wolfgang Böhm, Austria(Articles “Zwischen Schengen” and “Angst und Freiheit” in printed media) and Kirsten Warnle, Germany (Reportage “Im Babel der Neuzeit” in GEO-Wissen)
Radio: Mircea Radu Lipovan and Andreea Manzat, Romania

TV: Shirin Wheeler, UK (“The Record: Europe”, BBC) and Lars Feldballe Petersen, Denmark (TV-Production “Der Kampf gegen die Chemikalien”, Danish TV)
Internet: Pete Pakarinen, Finland (“Tausend Dollar fA?r eine lebensgefährliche Seereise – Europa vor der Einwandererwelle”, Online-Magazine “Vekkouutiset”).

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