Thu, 24 October 2024

Fifth Miguel Gil Moreno Journalism Prize competition.

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Miguel Gil Moreno Foundation and Random House Mondadori invite entries for the *Fifth Miguel Gil Moreno Journalism Prize competition.

Established in 2002, one annual Prize of 6.000€, recognize the job of those correspondents of any nationality, which best meets the essential requirements of professional excellence and share Miguel Gil’s spirit, his conception of the correspondent as an independent, generous servant of society accepting the necessary risks in order to report on the injustices and acts of solidarity in controversial issues.

Click here for the Rules of the Fifth Miguel Gil Moreno Journalism Award.

The Miguel Gil Moreno Foundation:
The Miguel Gil Moreno Foundation was set up in memory of award winning cameraman Miguel Gil – who died while in the line of duty in Sierra Leone on May, 24, 2000. Miguel was the only western cameraman to stay in Pristine during the NATO air campaign. His harrowing images of Albanian being herded on to railway carriages dramatically change the world understands on what was happening in Kosovo. The foundation seeks to continue the legacy of Miguel’s journalism – which was deeply humanitarian in nature. His great talent was staying on when everyone else was leaving –in order to tell the stories of those that were forced to stay behind.

The Miguel Gil Moreno Foundation’s purpose is set along the same lines. It looks to carry out a three pronged approach – honouring excellence in humanitarian journalism by way of the Miguel Gil Moreno Journalism Award; acting as editorial, logistical, technical and consulting support for all journalists- staff and freelance- in print, photos, television and radio and finally, fundraising to finance humanitarian efforts. Most recently, among other actions, the foundation has been working to finance the building of a residence young orphaned girl in Abidjan. Also gives support to the reconstruction of the Saint John of God Hospital in Freetown.

By continuing Miguel’s journalistic and personal legacy, the foundation seeks to lend the necessary support to journalists who endeavour to shed light on a conflict so that it can be understood, giving the participants in it face, a name and a story to tell.

Miguel Gil Moreno Journalism Prizes awarded:

  • 2002 Bru Rovira, correspondent of Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia.
  • 2003 Jose Luis Marquez Leon, Spanish Television Cameraman ( TVE )
  • 2004 Laurent Van der Stockt, photographer ( Gamma, AP )
  • 2005 Amira Hass, Israeli correspondent of Haaretz Newspaper


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Tel: (34) 93 467 52 72
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Contact: Alicia De Muller

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