Thu, 25 April 2024



Ukraine diaries – yes, it’s scary.

by Edward Steen, Sec-Gen. Vienna March 29, 2022 The re-financing and transformation of the UK journalists' house magazine Press Gazette has seen some extraordinary contributions,...

Death of Madeleine Albright 1937 – 2022. RIP

(es) Vienna, March 23, 2022  

Journalists being singled out for torture

Russia's war crimes will now include torture of journalists - files being prepared Kidnapped by Russian troops on 5 March, Nikita (his name is changed...

Lawyers intimidating journalists to protect oligarchs say MPS

by John Hyde of the Law Society Gazette Oligarchs trying to protect reputations instruct London lawyers because they are intimidatingly expensive, MPs told Journalists who have...

RIP Erhard Busek – man dubbed “too decent for politics”

(es) Edward Steen, Secretary-General. Vienna, March 15, 2022 The death of former Austrian Vice-Chancellor and OeVP leader Erhard Busek on the eve of his 81st...

Russia’s folly will drive change in the EU

It's time for a more nuanced approach by France and Germany   by Alain Catzeflis, Whipsnade, England,16 March 2022 The idea of Europe, like the idea of peace,...

Russia’s Channel 1 – sensational interruption of main tv news

by Edward Steen, Vienna, March 15, 2022 If the Ukraine horror story is also being fought in the media, and pseudo-media, this action was something...

Putin’s War: Day 19

♦ A senior employee of Russia’s state Channel One television has interrupted the channel’s main news programme with an extraordinary protest against Vladimir Putin’s...

Poet’s thoughts on a plane to Brussels

by Alojz Peterle, Ljubljana, March 1, 2022 Row 18, sitting alone. Because of Covid? The war? Was no-one travelling? Pretty alone anyway, en route to...

Putin’s War, Day 13 NEWS IN BRIEF 08/03/22

Putin's War day 13 by Edward Steen. Vienna, March 8, 2022 ♦  KHM 11 this afternoon  - Biden suspends oil imports from Russia  ♦  ABC News...

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