Thu, 25 April 2024



Putin’s hubris will lead to nemesis, but when?

London, 16 March 2022 by Anthony Robinson Seldom has the warning that “Russia is never as strong as it seems, or as weak” been so apposite...

China’s self-interest is key to war outcome

by Hu Wei in Beijing Vice-chairman of the Public Policy Research Center of the Counselor’s Office of the State Council, Hu Wei is chairman of...

The Molotov militia waiting for the Russians

Mykolaiv, 14 March 2022 by Askold Krushelnycky, The Ukrainian port of Mykolaiv is being reinforced for a renewed onslaught by Russian forces which have so far...

Russia’s Channel 1 – sensational interruption of main tv news

by Edward Steen, Vienna, March 15, 2022 If the Ukraine horror story is also being fought in the media, and pseudo-media, this action was something...

Putin’s War: Day 19

♦ A senior employee of Russia’s state Channel One television has interrupted the channel’s main news programme with an extraordinary protest against Vladimir Putin’s...

Award-winning US journalist killed in Kyiv

(es) Vienna, March 14, 2022  updated 16/03/22 - death of Irish photographer and colleague  Brent Renaud, 50, an award-winning American film-maker and journalist, was killed...

After Putin, the German hegemon?

ANALYSIS by Anthony Robinson, former Moscow bureau chief, Financial Times. London, March 15, 2020 Once the truth about Ukrainian resistance and the magnitude of Russia’s economic...

Russian warship sunk in Black Sea

Cannes, Monday 14 March 2022 by Mark Porter The Russian warship that bombed Snake Island on the Black Sea on the first day of the invasion...

Digging for victory Ukrainians made up of volunteers and soldiers have dug trenches and set up barricades around Kyiv to brace for Russian assault and to protect...

Putin daughter’s former Biarritz villa opens doors to Ukrainian refugees

by Mark Porter in Cannes and Edward Steen in Vienna, March 14, 2022 Activist Pierre Haffner, a Russophile Basque now under arrest, and an accomplice,...

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