Thu, 25 April 2024



Bulgaria: Prominent journalist and AEJ-member fined after biassed defamation charges

Sofia City Court has confirmed the Sofia Regional Court’s sentencing of Rossen Bossev, a journalist at Capital Weekly and member of the Executive Board...

Media freedom in Austria under attack, again

Medienfreiheit in Osterreich akut bedroht „Association of European Journalists“ (AEJ) kritisiert Verbot von Fragen bei „Pressekonferenzen“ von OVP und FPO. Ibiza-Video beweist Missachtung der Medienfreiheit...

World Press Freedom Day event in Italy to focus on better protections for journalists

A public celebration of World Press Freedom Day will be held on 10 May in the Italian parliament in Rome with a focus on...

Le Jour Mondiale de la Liberte de la Presse en Roumanie: Le rapport avec le pouvoir politique

Le Jour Mondiale de la Liberte de la Presse en Roumanie: Le rapport avec le pouvoir politique   Journalistes et „journalistes”. Le rapport avec le pouvoir...

Media Freedom attacked with impunity

“Media freedom attacked with impunity in Europe” By Otmar Lahodynsky   The original version of this  article was published in the Austrian newspaper „Die Presse“  on 2...

AEJ Special Events and Media Freedom Campaigns mark Press Freedom Day – more…

AEJ Special Events and Media Freedom Campaigns are marking Press Freedom Day in Austria, Bulgaria,.Finland, Greece, Turkey; and a British ministers announces an ambitous...

AEJ Poland and monitoring partners declare ‘blatant’ pro-government bias in public TV’s European election coverage

AEJ Poland and Polish Society of Journalists declare ‘blatant’ pro-government bias in public TV election coverage   On World Press Freedom Day AEJ Poland journalists announced...

AEJ national sections and journalists around Europe mark World Press Freedom Day

AEJ Sections and journalist around Europe mark World Press Freedom Day: paying tribute to courageous journalists and demanding safe working environments The Romanian Section of...

The Assange case concerns the public’s right to know but also public trust in a free press

"The Assange case concerns the public’s right to know but also public trust in a free press"   Protecting media freedom is a core principle and...

Stop Turkey’s ‘relentless’ judicial harassment against free expression champions

Stop Turkey’s ‘relentless’ judicial harassment against free expression champions   The AEJ and other journalists’ and press freedom organisations have publicly condemned the Turkish authorities’ three-year...

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