Tue, 23 April 2024



AEJ UK Meeting: Understanding the state of play on Brexit

Journalists like everyone else get confused by the complexity and political posturing involved in the long drawn out Brexit negotiations. So the AEJ UK...

Sombre reflections on thirty years after the historic opening of the Hungarian-Austrian border

Reflections on thirty years after the historic opening of the Hungarian-Austrian border Jozsef Martin, President of AEJ Hungarian Section   --  „Something is rotten in the state...

AEJ co-signs Open Letter for upgraded efforts to protect media freedom to new Council of Europe Secretary-General

Upgraded and effective measures to end the criminalisation of journalism, counter the toxic atmosphere of hostility to the media and stamp out impunity are...

Bulgarian journalists unite behind the #NoPornJournalism campaign; AEJ Bulgaria makes a Declaration for ethical journalism

Bulgarian journalists unite behind the #NoPornJournalism campaign; AEJ-Bulgaria makes a Declaration for ethical journalism Bulgarian journalists have united against the practice in their country for...

Media Capture in Italy by violence and intimidation: the proof

Media Capture in Italy by violence and intimidation by Albert Spampinato Over the past ten years Ossigeno per l’Informazione (Oxygen for Information) has documented several thousand...

How Poland’s public service TV was turned into a government mouthpiece

How Poland’s public service TV was turned into a government mouthpiece   Detailed monitoring of the news output on Polish public service television (TVP) during nationwide...

CPJ leads call for new European Commission President to prioritize press freedom

CPJ leads call for new European Commission President to prioritize press freedom   The Committee to Protect Journalists has written to the new President of the...

Global Media Freedom Conference in London aims to ‘improve safety of journalists’

Global Media Freedom Conference in London looks to ‘improve safety of journalists’ A report by AEJ UK member Firdevs Robinson The first ever Global Conference for...

Press freedom groups tell governments in London for press freedom meeting: pledges “not credible” without action

New pledges not credible without action, say press freedom groups   On 9 July, 33 press freedom and media development organisations met in London in advance...

Bulgaria: Prominent journalist and AEJ-member fined after biassed defamation charges

Sofia City Court has confirmed the Sofia Regional Court’s sentencing of Rossen Bossev, a journalist at Capital Weekly and member of the Executive Board...

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