Sat, 20 April 2024



Groups launch global protest against Turkey’s move to block radio station

PEN International and 38 civil society organisations deplore decision to block Ozguruz and call for an end to the harassment of Can Dundar: AEJ joins...

Poland’s public radio Channel 3 is a hot test for the survival of public service broadcasting

Poland’s public radio Channel 3: a test case for the survival of true public service broadcasting By Krzysztof Bobinski   A dispute over censorship at Polish public...

Call on EU-member states to help media-sector out of Covid19-crisis with an ambitious EU-budget Joint statement Press freedom, media development, and journalists’ organisations call on Member States to adopt ambitious EU budget for independent journalism and recovery of the...

Free expression organisations unite in call for EU rules against “vexatious” lawsuits that suppress public debate

To: Ms Pia Lindholm, Deputy Head Unit for Civil Justice Directorate-General Justice and Consumers of the European Commission OPEN LETTER SENT ON MAy 20 2020:- Dear Ms Pia Lindholm, The undersigned...

AEJ renews protest against heavy fines and “improper pressures” on critical Albanian TV channel

AEJ renews protest against heavy fines and “improper pressures” on critical Albanian TV channel   The AEJ has protested against summary fines and a government Health...

AEJ protests against Albanian government’s sudden shutdown order to Ora TV channel

Albanian government orders sudden shutdown of private TV Channel   The AEJ protests in the strongest terms against the arbitrary and discriminatory Albanian government order to...

Freedom of the media must not become collateral damage of Covid19

On Europe Day -May 9th- , the President of the “Association of European Journalists” (AEJ), Otmar Lahodynsky, warns of further restrictions on media freedom...

Press freedom organisations call for Europol’s backup to hasten justice in Daphne murder case

Press freedom organisations express concerns about delay in delivering justice over the 2017 murder of Daphen Caruana Galizia; and call on Malta’s Attorney General...

AEJ Statement: Armenian Emergency Law still seriously impedes media from reporting on COVID-19

AEJ Statement: Armenian Emergency Law still seriously impedes media from reporting on COVID-19 When the State of emergency was announced in Armenia on 16 March...

Council of Europe chief says States must not use COVID crisis to silence journalists

In response to the launch of the 2020 Annual Report by media freedom organisations "Hands Off Press Freedom", which documented a surge in violence...

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