Thu, 25 April 2024



Belated justice for Northern Cypriot publisher

Vienna, October 12, 2023 Our Media Freedom representative Kyriakos Pierides, based in Nicosia, writes: After four years, the Turkish Cypriot High Court has finally announced the...

Press comment across Europe over Middle East slaughter

Vienna, October 12, 2023 Eurotopics today usefully surveys press opinion across Europe about the ongoing slaughter in the Middle East, and the prospects of an...

AI – are the real winners people who mend stuff?

Washington, October 7, 2023 Climate Change and AI Threaten to Upend Everything by Llewellyn King This is a seminal year, meaning nothing will be the same again. This...

Gambling czar’s “gross interference” in Romanian press

by Edward Steen, S-G, Vienna, October 8, 2023 Everyone who uses a computer knows the annoying, insistent flow of get-rich-quick advertising online. In Romania, the...

Kyiv Independent war reporter honoured

By Edward Steen, Vienna October 4, 2023 The Kyiv Independent, already prizewinning in numerous categories, has another: its 22-year-old war reporter Asami Terajima has won...

AEJ at Media Freedom conference, Latvia

Freedom of expression conference: Launch of campaign for the safety of journalists 5-6 October, Riga – The Council of Europe will launch a continent-wide Campaign...

Orbán gains another ally on nationalist Right

by SG, Vienna, October 2, 2023 The feared victory of discredited nationalist and pro-Russian ex-Prime Minister Robert Fico in the Slovak elections - or at...

Hope still among exiles from Afghanistan

Glimpse of life among Afghan opposition in exile Daily life in Afghanistan has become close to unbearable for much of the population. Is there any...

AEJ holds first annual conference in Balkans

AEJ General Assembly, Vlorë, Albania October 26 - 29, 2023 from Edward Steen, Sec-Gen, Vienna 29/09/23 The fires did not hold us back last October in...

Promise and Peril of EU Expansion – Carl Bildt

The Bloc Must Add Ukraine—but It Won’t Be Simple Former Swedish prime minister Carl Bildt on what EU Expansion really means - article published today...

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