Thu, 18 April 2024



AEJ sections active on World Press Freedom Day 2010 (May 3)

Traditionally most AEJ sections organised or cooperated in World Press Freedom Day activities on May 3 or another date. See for reports by the...

UN Agency calls for worldwide observance of a Minute’s Silence for killed journalists

UNESCO, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, has called for media workers in newsrooms around the world to observe a Minute's Silence on...

Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner calls for urgent protection for journalists in danger

To mark World Press Freedom Day 2010 the Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner, Thomas Hammarberg, paid tribute to the courage of Anna Politkovskaya...

UK Press Freedom Network

The AEJ is part of the UK Press Freedom Network of 20 journalistic and human rights bodies. Each year it supports the UNESCO UK...

Unregulated political comment online helps the democratic process

At the World Press Freedom Day debate on 9 April, the motion, “Unregulated political comment online helps the democratic process”, was approved by 40...

MEDIA IN UKRAINE: An Overview of current obstacles to media freedom and independence

MEDIA IN UKRAINE: An Overview of current obstacles to media freedom and independence - April 6 2010 by Arthur Rudzitsky, President of the AEJ Ukrainian...


In the AEJ Executive Committee meeting in Athens (March 6) William Horsley, AEJ Media Freedom Representative, announced WPFD 2010. As in 2009 also this...

Former President of AEJ Italy, Donato Barbano (87) died

Donato Barbano, former President of the Italian Section (2004-2007) died on 16 March at the age of 87. In his home region Basilicata, Donato...

AEJ Journalism Awards 2010

Konstantinos Zoulas, Marina Kourmpela, Euagellia Kritikou, Giannis Papadimitriou and Nikos Mpakounakis were the awarded journalists for the 2010 ‘Konstantin Kalligas’ Awards *) of the Greek...

Lancement du prix Louise Weiss du journalisme européen – édition 2010

L'Association des journalistes européens lance la cinquième édition du prix Louis Weiss du journalisme européen. Ce prix récompense un journaliste confirmé et un journaliste...

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