Wed, 24 April 2024



Serial attacks on Russian journalists show climate of impunity is growing and governments are responsible for ending it

The AEJ is shocked and alarmed by two brutal and life-threatening attacks on Russian journalists within the past several days. We call on the...

AEJ urges Turkish government to respect journalists’ rights and end oppressive laws

5 Nov 2010: On Stand Up for Journalism Day in Turkey and across Europe the AEJ urgently calls on the Turkish government to free...

Ukrainian Euronews TV must not be used for government propaganda

The Association of European Journalists shares the concerns of the AEJ Ukrainian Section and of the “Stop Censorship!” movement about the terms of the...

AEJ renews Media Freedom efforts, pledges closer cooperation with Council of Europe Database on Media Freedom violations

At its Congress on 8 to 9 October 2010 in Ordu, Turkey, the AEJ agreed actively to support the ongoing Turkish journalists’ Petition to...

Successful AEJ Congress / General Assembly in Ordu, Turkey

This years' themes were 'The role of media and tourism in bringing closer nations/societies in conflict'; 'Turkey: a chance or burden for Europe' and 'Media Freedom: Current...

AEJ Italy, Newsletter of October 2010

AEJ Italy, Newsletter October 2010

AEJ Bulgaria takes off!

In working on its tasks AEJ Bulgaria is determined to focus on the transnational perspective of modern journalism, which involves creating and sustaining partnerships...

Turkey – a chance or a burden for Europe

by Eileen Dunne Turgut Kudatgobolik is Chairman of the Turkish Employers’ confederation and he chairs the Turkish-EU Joint consultative committee. Making the case for integration...

New Board for AEJ International

The Executive Committee and the General Assembly of the Association of European Journalists elected a new board during their meetings in Ordu, Turkey (8-9...


In a Resolution adopted at its annual Assembly on 9 October 2010, the Association of European Journalists declared: “Austrian journalists are currently the subjects...

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