Tue, 23 April 2024



“If the Russians come here, they will die”

by Askold Krushelnycky AEJ Special Correspondent, Severodonetsk, Luhansk Oblast When war engulfed Lysychansk, a sprawling, industrial town in Ukraine’s Luhansk province, in April 2014, pro-Moscow...

Ukrainians know Putin will execute, torture and imprison opposition

Kharkiv, February 24 by Askold Krushelnycky, AEJ Special Correspondent Kharkiv, one of Ukraine’s most important industrial and cultural centres, is only 25 miles from the Russian...

Putin’s Long Shadow

This film of Russian President Vladimir Putin, made by Canadian public broadcast service  CBC, is a timeless profile of a man who is both...

Russia-Ukraine is an Information War, So Government Intelligence Needs More Scrutiny Than Ever

From COUNTER PUNCH 22 February 2022 By Patrick Cockburn The threat of war is difficult to beat when it comes to mending or enhancing a damaged reputation. President...

We have to talk about Hungary and Poland

by Otmar Lahodynsky, Vienna, February 20, 2022 No money for thieves For the governments of Hungary and Poland, it was a slap in the face. On...

They say Gazpacho and we say Gestapo

Clearing up MTP's getting in a muddle about soup Vienna, February 12, 2022 by Edward Steen ♦ Gazpacho or Gaspacho, also known as Andalusian gazpacho, is a...

Campaign to free Andrei and Irina in Belarus

Join the campaign to FREE ANDREI AKILASANDRAU and his partner IRINA ZLOBINA, led by Index on Censorship and Article 19  London/ Athens February 11, 2022 One year...

Ukraine and the shifting sands of diplomatic insults

Paris, February 11, 2022 by Mark Porter President Putin is notorious for arriving late for meetings with foreign heads of state, as far back as 2007...

Behind the scenes of the invented Ukraine crisis

What does Putin really want? Vienna, February 9, 2022 by Edward Steen, Secretary-General Putin's confected crisis in Ukraine has brought out some of the best and best-informed...

Method or madness? The Putin doctrine

Will the red queen vanquish the white knight? Cannes, February 8th, 2022 Mark Porter In chess parlance the West is "zugzwanged": whatever move it makes to combat...

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