Fri, 19 April 2024



Poet’s thoughts on a plane to Brussels

by Alojz Peterle, Ljubljana, March 1, 2022 Row 18, sitting alone. Because of Covid? The war? Was no-one travelling? Pretty alone anyway, en route to...

Russia-Ukraine: Is internet on verge of break-up?

London, 9 March 2022. From BBC website.   By Jane Wakefield, technology reporter The world, both physical and digital, finds itself in unprecedented times as the conflict...

Invading Russians will be dog food, says city’s general

Mykolaiv, 10 March 2022. DISPATCH by Askold Krushelnycky Russian soldiers had hoped for a swift victory in Mykolaiv, a key staging post for control of the Black...

A Bridge Too Close: defending the road to Odesa

COMMENT Mykolaiv, 10 March 2022 by Askold Krushelnycky Mykolaiv is all that stands between the Russian invaders and the historic Black Sea port of Odesa. Askold Krushelnycky...

Play it again. And again.

Chernobyl: power cut increases risk of radiation leak

Cannes, 9 March 2022 by Mark Porter Contact with the Chernobyl power plant went down this morning, according to sources at the International Atomic Energy Association....

War games go postal

Cannes, 8 March 2022 by Mark Porter The Lithuanians have officially renamed the road in Vilnius where the Russian Embassy is housed "Ukrainian War Heroes Street"...

Putin’s War – Z, fading macho-man, and Don’t Step on my Blue Suede Shoes

Putin's War - by the way 1 by Edward Steen. Vienna, March 8, 2022 What the hell is Z about? And why is it often being...

Britain’s hollow Ukraine rhetoric contrasts with Zelensky’s heroic speech

Cannes, 8 March 2022 by Mark Porter President Zelensky summoned up the ghost of Churchill when he addressed Britain's parliament on Tuesday night, in a harrowing...

Putin’s War, Day 13 NEWS IN BRIEF 08/03/22

Putin's War day 13 by Edward Steen. Vienna, March 8, 2022 ♦  KHM 11 this afternoon  - Biden suspends oil imports from Russia  ♦  ABC News...

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