Wed, 24 April 2024




View from Turkey – the nature of “real journalism”

Rome / Ankara,  November 29, 2021 by Giuseppe Jacobini, Secretary-General, AEJ-Italy The following article is by the AEJ's man in Ankara, Prof. Dr L. Doğan Tiliç...

Afghan journalists “homeless in their own home”

Kabul, November 10, 2021 To the Human Rights Advocates and Media Supporters! from Mohammad Kabir Shafaq, Journalist Fate has cruelly played with my destiny and that of my generation’s; I have...

Helena Kennedy and eight empty aeroplane seats

London, December 1, 2021. from Daniele Hamamdjian, CTV National News Correspondent Helena Kennedy was at home in North London when she received an urgent call....

Story of three men in a snowy forest 30 years ago

Vienna, November 27, 2021 by Otmar Lahodynsky, honorary AEJ President The stroke of a pen in a snow-bound forest in Belorussia changed the world  On December 8,...

Alarm over “imminent Russian invasion” of Ukraine

(es) Kyiv/ Vienna, November 26, 2021 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said today that a group of Russians and Ukrainians is planning to stage a coup...

SLAPPs attack on author and publisher of Putin’s People

Will UK's judicial "bespoke sewer" be reformed at last? London/ Vienna. November 24, 2021 by William Horsley, Media Freedom Representative Nineteen organisations including the AEJ have expressed...

Jourova message to European journalists

(es) Brussels, November 23, 2021 This is the text of Commission Vice-President Věra Jourová's message to the AEJ's general assembly last night. Her brief is...

Belarus – three women on the front line (or in prison)

Vienna, November 23, 2021 (NEW Reporting against all the odds in Belarus and fear of Putin re-invading Ukraine in December, 26/11/21, BBC report 29/11/21...

Cometh the hour, cometh the woman – Věra Jourová

Mark Porter interviews the Vice President of the European Commission A Brussels insider described the internal turf war over fake news as "The Game of...


(In alphabetical order by person interviewed. Pls send me any interviews - any language - which you think should be included. Do not forget...

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