Sun, 8 September 2024

AEJ urges Turkish government to respect journalists’ rights and end oppressive laws

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5 Nov 2010: On Stand Up for Journalism Day in Turkey and across Europe the AEJ urgently calls on the Turkish government to free the more than 40 journalists now in jail because of their work, repeal laws that are being used to criminalise the work of journalists, and uphold the rights of media workers and citizens to share information and opinions freely in line with Turkey’s international commitments and the government’s promises of democratic reforms. AEJ members across Europe support the Set Journalists Free Petition of the Turkish Union of Journalists and the European Federation of Journalists. On 8 to 9 October 2010 the AEJ 2010 Congress in Ordu, Turkey put a spotlight on the severe abuses of media freedom in Turkey and other Council of Europe member states.

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