Sat, 21 December 2024

AEJ Founding Father Marcello Palumbo died at the age of 91

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Our beloved friend and last living founder of the Association of European Journalists, Marcello Palumbo, died on Saturday 10 September in Rome. He was 91 and still active in the association, not only in his Italian section but also in the international AEJ.

In November 2010, during the Annual Congress/General Assembly in Ordu (Turkey), Marcello gave his view and guidance about how to organise the 50th Anniversary of the AEJ in 2012. From now on the AEJ has to miss his critical but always constructive opinions regarding the functioning and the aims of the association. It feels like we have lost the link with our origin.

See below related messages coming from national sections and AEJ members:

The Irish section would like to express its condolences to our Italian colleagues on the passing of our founding father Marcello Palumbo. We particularly remember our colleague Attilio an other members of the Palumbo family. He was an inspiration to us all…

Eileen Dunne, AEJ President

On behalf of Diego Carcedo, Miguel Ángel Aguilar and the whole Spanish Section, I would like to express our deepest sorrow for Marcello Palumbo’s death. The AEJ owes much to his work and enthusiasm throughout the years. We will certainly miss him.

AEJ Spain

The Bulgarian section of AEJ expresses its condolences to our Italian colleagues on the passing of Marcello Palumbo, founder of AEJ. We agree that the best way to commemorate this great person is to work harder and to be more united on international and national level in the frame of AEJ. Let’s do our best in pursuing the ideas that the founders of the association wanted to become reality.

AEJ Bulgaria

C’est avec grande tristesse que nous avons pris connaissance de la disparition de Marcello Palumbo, une des très grandes personnalités de la presse italienne et européenne. Par sa présence et son enthousiasme il apportait toujours un souffle de sagesse dans nos réunions. La force et la qualité de son engagement européen étaient source d’encouragement pour tous ceux qui oeuvrent pour la construction d’une Europe forte et unie même si il savait se montrer critique quand il le fallait.

Marcello Palumbo est parti rejoindre Altiero Spinelli et Emanuele Gazzo et tant d’autres de cette génération d’Européens qui ont fait preuve de courage, de persistance et de générosité et qui nous font tellement défaut aujourd’hui!

Cher Carmelo, en mon nom et au nom de Maria Fernanda, je te prie de transmettre à la famille de Marcello et aux amis de la Section Italienne de l’AEJ nos sincères condoléances.

Jack Hanning, Secrétaire- Général de l’Association Européenne des Ecoles d’Etudes Politiques du Conseil de l’Europe

Au nom de la section grecque de l’Association des Journalistes Europeens mais aussi a titre personnel,je tiens a exprimer toute la peine que nous eprouvons pour le deces de notre ami collegue et membre fondateur de l’AJE.
Personnellement,ma tristesse est d’autant plus grande,car avec Marcello nous avions une grande complicite intellectuelle et nous partagions les memes desseins pour l’union de l’Europe.Il fut un grand journaliste europeen epris de liberte et de passion pour l’integration europeenne. Il voulait une grande Europe,ouverte,genereuse et exemplaire.Democrate convaincu,il defendait aussi la liberte de la presse avec force et courage.Cette derniere fut d’ailleurs le but de son engagement au meme titre que l’union de l’Europe.Son elargissement et sa consolidation en tant qu’extension de la communaute de valeurs n’etait pas un engagement idealiste mais une strategie de paix et de culture tres prometteuse que nous devions exporter.C’etait une facon d’accomplir notre devoir de journaliste.

Caro Marcello,tu resteras toujours vivant dans notre coeur et notre esprit. Merci pour tout ce que tu nous as apporte.

Athanase Papandropoulos (Greece), Honorary President AEJ

The death of our fellow cofounder of the AEJ, Marcello Palumbo, surprised me at the return of a long trip and it has certainly impressed me. He was an excellent journalist and even a better person, It is a great loss for the AEJ, where he was one of our references. I suggest that we organize a tribute (which we didn’t prepare while he was alive). The 50th anniversary of the AEJ could be the appropriate time. All my condolences for the Italian Section and for the Palumbo family.

Diego Carcedo (Spain), Honorary President AEJ

I want to express my deep sorrow for the disparition of our beloved last AEJ co-founder. I think that the best way to honour his legacy is to strengh our European Association and to woek so hard to keep its everlasting values. All the best for his family and friends. Also for all his colleagues and fellows.

Pedro González (Spain)

I express my deep sorrow about the death of our beloved last AEJ co-founder. He showed us the way to make better our job and to do our best from AEJ. All the best for his family and friends. Also for all his colleagues and fellows.

Javier Fernández Arribas, vicepresident AEJ (Spain)

I have met Marcello several time in AEJ congresses. His engagement in AEJ and journalistic organisational activities was impressive. It’s a pity that we do not see the same energy among younger journalists. As we say in Turkish; Let him sleep in lights!

L. Dogan Tilic, Vice President (Turkey)

E’ con grande dolore che abbiamo appreso della morte del nostro amico Marcello. I membri della sezione belga unirsi a me nel salutare la sua memoria e di presentare le loro condoglianze alla famiglia ed i nostri amici italiani.

Michel Theys (Belgium)

The French section is deeply sorry to learn the death of Marcello Palumbo ; he had an impressive commitment to European affairs and the role of journalists. We send our sincere and deepest condolences for this loss to his family and friends.

Fabrice Pozzoli-Montenay (France)

AZIR, Roumanian Section of AEJ, express our sorrow for this loose. We are close to the family and the Italian collegues. God help him to rest in peace! We suggest a moment of evocation to Marcello PAlumbo at the Annual Congres in Bucarest, 10-13 novembre 2011.

Teodora Stanciu (Romania)


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